6 Easy Steps To Find A Suitable Commercial Office Space For Rent

To find a suitable commercial office space for rent, you would need to put in a whole lot of effort. And this is because getting a good commercial office space can either make or mar your business.

As one who seeks a good commercial office space for rent, you should ensure to only pick the best – most failed businesses had office space as one reason for their folding up (Forbes.com)

Nevertheless, this situation can be averted, when you carefully digest this detailed article that emphasizes on getting a suitable commercial office space when renting.

In this article, you would see the necessary details that should be contained in a commercial office lease agreement, how to choose a comfortable office place, and the secret to attracting clients and retaining them.

But before that, you should know that the steps to finding a suitable commercial office space for rent includes: determining your needs, sourcing a reputable real estate company, working with a budget, etc. More details will be spilled subsequently.

But before that, take a look at some factors to consider when you seek a suitable commercial office space for rent.

What Factors Should I Consider When Seeking For a Good Commercial Office Space for Rent?


The factors to consider when seeking for a good commercial office space for rent includes:

1.     Employee location

2.     Comfort and spaciousness

3.     Research on commercial real estate brokers

Employee location:

The reason why your business would stand the test of time would depend on your employees.

And this is because they are the ones who would stay in the office more, and carry out the daily duties that would rake in profit for your business.

Therefore, when seeking for a suitable commercial office space for rent, they should be your first point of interest.

The benefits of having your employees close to the office is that: they would take a short while to get to the office, and this would make them more productive.

Furthermore, they would not demand for a raise so much, because they get to spend less on transportation. And this becomes a win for both parties.

Comfort and spaciousness:

The second factor that you need to keep in mind is that comfort and spaciousness breed a better work environment.

Research carried out by Forbes shows that 87% of workers want their employers to provide them workspaces that have at least a wellness room, sit-stand desks, good restroom, etc.

Furthermore, adding to the list an office space with large meeting rooms, personal spaces and small collaborative spaces would be an added advantage.

And all these can only be gotten when you rent the best commercial office space

Research on commercial real estate brokers:

As much as you are trying to save funds by renting an office space, you should not neglect the ideas that a good real estate firm can offer you.

And with so many real estate companies, you may end up getting confused, or not getting the desired space you need.

But worry no more, as you can trust CHURCHGATE, the best real estate firm that caters to the needs of various companies and individuals.

You may ask why CHURCHGATE? Well, at CHURCHGATE we provide you the best offices that would suit your business.

Unlike other real estate firms, we hold our clients close to us, and therefore ensure to meet their needs in timely fashion. Furthermore, when transacting with a client, we are usually clear of all terms and conditions, without hiding any information.

If you still need to solidify your conviction on working with us, then CONTACT US NOW. As we would always be there for you.

6 Easy Steps to Find a Suitable Commercial Office Space For Rent


To find a suitable commercial office space for rent, you would need to:

1. Determine your budget and desired location

2. Define your business needs

3. Research potential properties

Determine your budget and desired location:

The first step in finding a suitable commercial office space for rent is to determine your budget and desired location

This is important because you will need to consider how much you can afford to pay in rent each month and the proximity of the office space to your target market.

Define your business needs:

Before you start looking for a commercial office space to rent, it’s important to define your business needs. Consider the size of your team, the type of work you do, and any special requirements you have, such as the need for a secure server room or a certain type of floor plan.

Research potential properties:

Once you have a clear idea of your budget and business needs, it’s time to start researching potential properties. You can use online real estate listings or work with a commercial real estate agent to find properties that meet your criteria.

And this is where CHURCHGATE comes to the rescue. At CHURCHGATE, we would ensure to work with your budget, and asides that we would help you make the right choice.

Tour the properties:

Once you have a list of potential properties, it’s important to tour them in person to get a feel for the space and assess its suitability for your business. Take note of any features or amenities that stand out, as well as any potential drawbacks.

Well, what better way to see what you want than in person. At CHURCHGATE, we would give you a good tour of our state of the arts offices. And this would help your decision-making process

Negotiate the lease:

If you find a property that meets your needs, it’s time to negotiate the lease. Consider factors such as the length of the lease, the terms of the agreement, and any additional fees or expenses. It’s also a good idea to have a lawyer review the lease before you sign it.

Sign the lease and move in:

Once you have successfully negotiated the lease and have a signed agreement, it’s time to move in and set up your new commercial office space. This may involve making cosmetic changes, installing necessary equipment or furniture, and getting your team settled in.

By following these 6 easy steps, you can find a suitable commercial office space for rent that meets your business needs and budget.

But that is not all we have for you. We also understand that asides from having good employees, a good office, you will also need to learn how to attract clients to your office.

Aside from CHURCHGATE, there is no real estate firm that would also love to give you such a tip. You would have to pay a consultancy fee for such a secret!

How Can I Attract People To My Office?


Besides knowing the 6 easy steps that you can use to find a suitable commercial office space for rent, you will also need to be able to attract clients to your office space.

There are many ways you can attract people to your office, and the specific strategies you choose will depend on your goals, your target audience, and the resources available to you. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

Offer valuable services or products:

It is not enough that you seek just the steps to find a suitable commercial office space for rent. You will also need to ensure that the products and services that you offer are good.

If you offer something that people want or need, they will be more likely to visit your office. This could be a physical product, like a retail store, or a service, like a doctor’s office or a repair shop.

Create a welcoming atmosphere:

At CHURCHGATE, we do ensure that our buildings are attractive. And asides giving you the easy steps to find a commercial office space for rent, we do encourage you to make your space welcoming.

You can do this by making sure that your office is clean, organized, and visually appealing. Consider investing in comfortable seating, pleasant music, and other amenities that make your office a pleasant place to be.

Host events or workshops:

This is another criterion that would make your office attractive. You should consider hosting events or workshops that bring people to your office. This could be anything from a networking event to a cooking class to a fitness class.

Use social media and online marketing:

Utilize social media platforms and other online marketing channels to promote your business and attract people to your office. This can include creating a website, using search engine optimization (SEO) techniques, and advertising on social media platforms.

Partner with other businesses or organizations:

Collaborating with other businesses or organizations can help you reach a larger audience and attract more people to your office. For example, you could host a joint event or offer a discount to customers of a partnering business.

Get involved in your community:

Participating in community events and supporting local causes can help you build relationships and attract people to your office. This could include sponsoring a local sports team, volunteering at a community event, or donating to a local charity.

Offer incentives or promotions:

Consider offering incentives or promotions to attract people to your office. This could be a special discount or a free gift with purchase.

By implementing a combination of these strategies, you can effectively attract people to your office and grow your business.

What are the Things That Should be Included in a Lease?


It is not enough that you know the easy steps to find a suitable commercial office space for rent. You should also be knowledgeable on the things that should be included in a rental contract.

But before that, you should know that a lease is a legally binding agreement between a landlord and a tenant that outlines the terms and conditions of the tenancy. It is important to include all necessary provisions in the lease to protect the rights and interests of both the landlord and the tenant.

Here are some key points that should be included in a lease:

Names of the landlord and tenant:

A suitable commercial office space for rent should clearly state the full names of both the landlord and the tenant.

Property address:

The lease should include the full address of the property being leased. This is also another important criteria when seeking a suitable commercial office space for rent.

Term of the lease:

The lease should specify the length of time that the tenant will be occupying the property, whether it is a month-to-month tenancy or a fixed-term lease.


The lease should specify the amount of rent that the tenant is required to pay, as well as the frequency of payment (e.g. monthly, bi-weekly). It should also outline any rules or restrictions related to rent increases.

Security deposit:

The lease should specify the amount of the security deposit that the tenant is required to pay, as well as any rules or restrictions related to its use.


The lease should specify which utilities (e.g. electricity, gas, water) the landlord is responsible for paying, and which utilities the tenant is responsible for paying.

Repairs and maintenance:

The lease should specify who is responsible for making repairs and maintaining the property.


The lease should specify whether or not the tenant is allowed to sublet the property.


The lease should specify any rules or restrictions related to guests staying at the property.


The lease should outline the conditions under which either the landlord or the tenant can terminate the tenancy.


The lease should include any relevant disclosures required by law, such as lead paint or asbestos.

By including all of these provisions in the lease, both the landlord and the tenant will have a clear understanding of their rights and responsibilities, and can avoid potential disputes down the line. And with this, you can conclude on the easy steps to find a suitable commercial office space for rent.


Now that you know the easy steps to find a suitable commercial office space for rent, you can now make better decisions for yourself.

Also, you can contact us to help you make a better decision that would favor you in the long run.

Frequently asked questions about finding a commercial office space for rent

What do employees want in the office?

What employees want in an office is good ventilation, adherence to safety, facility cleanliness, physical boundaries, etc.

What makes a perfect workplace?

What makes a perfect workplace is a good salary and benefits package, good frequent communication, mindfulness of a good company culture, mission, vision and values.


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