10 Workplace Etiquette Every Professional Should Know

There is workplace etiquette that every professional should know. And all these are necessary to make one stand out in one’s place of work.

As a way to make every company unique, most companies employ people of diverse religions, cultures, and orientations, among other unique characteristics. And it is important that their employees know at least 10 workplace etiquette.

In this article, you would see the 10 workplace etiquette that every professional should know to stand out, some words that you should not make use of in the workplace, and other interesting details.

What is Etiquette?

The word etiquette stems from the French word étiquette which means a ticket or label that is attached to something for easy identification.

In the 16th century, the word was altered to etiquette – which refers to the protocols that describe orders and behaviors demanded of one in court. And the court is a place where law and order are expected to be at a maximum.

What is Professional Etiquette?


Professional etiquette is defined as a set of behaviors that are expected or accepted in a career or profession.

Professional etiquette is frequently upheld by custom and is enforced by the members of the company. People who act improperly in business situations are viewed negatively. And such behavior typically results in the displeasure of other organization members as punishment.

Business etiquette is crucial because it fosters a professional environment that values mutual respect and enhances communication, both of which contribute to a productive workplace.

Furthermore, when people feel valued, their attitudes about their jobs improve, which has a positive impact on their interactions with customers.

Why is Etiquette Important in the Workplace?

In any situation, etiquette teaches us how to treat people with respect and propriety. We can put others at ease, cultivate meaningful relationships, and create a comfortable and calm atmosphere wherever we go by understanding social signs and communicating clearly.

Etiquette is not about being flawless or prim and proper; it has nothing to do with your social standing, occupation, ethnicity, gender, wealth, or level of education. Simply put, etiquette teaches us how to act and carry ourselves in various settings. And this is why you need to know about workplace etiquette as a professional.

10 Workplace Etiquette Every Professional Should Know


There are so many workplace etiquettes that every professional should know, but in this article, you will see the 10 major workplace etiquettes that every professional should know.

And they are:

1.      Offer a resolute handshake

2.      Dress professionally

3.      Put aside your smartphones in meetings

4.     Outside of work, maintain your professionalism

5.     Don’t phone colleagues over the weekend to discuss work

6.     Be respectful to your co-workers

7.     Keep your work area tidy

8.     Maintain your composure at lunch

9.     Be punctual to meetings

10. Avoid reporting to work unwell

The above are the 10 rules of workplace etiquette that every professional should know. But what do they really talk about? 

Offer a resolute handshake

You should already be aware of how crucial first impressions are, and conveying a confident and professional image includes your handshake.

Use a solid handshake that is balanced between being assertive and gentle. You should always stand up and make eye contact when shaking hands, since a good handshake is all about connecting with the other person.

Dress professionally

The next workplace etiquette that every professional should know is to dress professionally. Depending on your employment, wearing proper clothing can entail different things. Having self-awareness of what’s suitable for your setting is a key component of excellent workplace etiquette, even if your job does not have a dress code.

If you work in a particularly professional atmosphere, for instance, you should dress accordingly. Observe how your leadership team and coworkers behave. Also, you should be careful not to overdo casual Friday, no matter how much you enjoy it.

Put aside your smartphone in meetings

Many people find it extremely annoying when people use cell phones during meetings, not to mention how it makes you seem disinterested and careless. As a general rule, put your cell phone aside while working. Step away from your desk if you do need to make a personal call so you don’t disturb your neighbors.

Even if your employment entails posting on social media and keeping an eye on company platforms, refrain from accessing your personal accounts while at work or in a meeting. A coworker or manager may question your productivity if they see that you are using social media during the workday.

In general, to avoid getting distracted or disturbing coworkers nearby;  wait until your lunch break to check social media posts and turn off social media notifications.

Outside of work, maintain your professionalism

The next item on the list of 10 workplace etiquette rules that every professional should know is how to stay professional.

Even after leaving the confines of the office, professional standards still apply. Your job and the jobs of the other individuals you work with within that area may still be impacted by what you do outside of the office.

You should always keep in mind that anything you publish on social media represents you both personally and professionally.

Keep your work area tidy

Without viewing the 10 workplace etiquette rules that every professional should know, this is something that you should always practice.

Personal workstations are more public than ever as open office spaces become the norm. Even if you have an office or cubicle, it’s a good idea to keep your fellow employees in mind when managing that environment.

Don’t make too many messes, especially if they involve food. Also, keep in mind how scents may affect other people. Also, avoid using any highly scented lotions, candles, or diffusers, and dispose of any trash that might start to smell in a more appropriate location, such as a kitchen.

Avoid reporting to work unwell

Without addressing the topic of germs, the 10 workplace etiquette rules that every professional should know would not be complete. Everyone needs to stay healthy to sustain office efficiency, yet anti-bacterial wipes can only go so far.

The greatest way to respect your co-workers while you’re ill and contagious is to stay at home so that you can prevent infecting someone else. Later on, they’ll say thanks.

Don’t phone colleagues over the weekend to discuss work

This is a very important workplace etiquette that every professional should know. You might occasionally need to complete some work over the weekend. If you do, keep in mind that not everyone might be doing it similarly. Everyone has a private life, and they have the right to enjoy it. Wait until the start of the workweek to discuss work-related concerns out of respect for your co-workers.

Be respectful to your co-workers

Everybody has a unique work style, as well as a different personal life and set of issues. All of this may affect how they approach their work and their interactions with others at work. Take this into account as you build business ties. Never assume what people want or need; instead, give them some room to pursue their own interests.

Maintain your composure at lunch.

Workplace etiquette that is appropriate doesn’t take a lunch break. Building relationships at work can be facilitated by socializing with co-workers during lunch, but professionalism should always be maintained.

As a general rule, refrain from taking colleagues out to lunch. It may display favoritism and leave others feeling excluded, which may have an effect on business relationships.

Be punctual for meetings

There is no way to exhaust the 10 rules of workplace etiquette that every professional should know, without talking about this. Being on time is a crucial component of professional etiquette.

In a company where all things are done properly, the priorities and availability of each invitee are taken into account when scheduling meetings, so being on time is a fundamental respect you owe to your co-workers.

And there you have the details of the 10 rules of workplace etiquette that every professional should know.

Is Etiquette the Same as Ethics?

A collection of moral guidelines or values is what is meant by ethics. Etiquette is defined as the behavior or process that is expected or mandated to be followed in official life. So far, it appears that the two are similar in a way.

But what makes them stand out is that ethics is governed by the law, while etiquette is not.

What are the Benefits of Etiquette?

You may ask why you need to know at least 10 workplace etiquette rules as a professional, right?

Well, etiquette teaches you to be considerate in your behavior. It helps you to be conscious of the rights and sentiments of others.

In summary, it encourages politeness, consideration, and humility by outlawing impolite behavior and placing other people’s feelings first.

What Makes a Great Workplace?

Asides from knowing the 10 workplace etiquette, you should ensure to seek a workplace with a competitive benefits package, good, frequent communication, and awareness of a healthy business culture.

This is important because if a company does not care about all these things, there is no way a standard business etiquette would apply there.

What is the Most Important Etiquette?

The most important rule of etiquette is to put others before yourself. It means being honest, trustworthy, and having the ability to put other people at ease. It also means exhibiting kindness and courtesy when working with others.

And the above is why you should study the 10 rules of workplace etiquette that every professional should know.

You may ask, “Why?” Well, this would help others treat you the way that you treat them.

What Words are Unacceptable in the Workplace?

The 10 rules of workplace etiquette that every professional should know do not state this. But it would also be in your best interest to know some words you should not use in your workplace. And they include:

1.     That’s not my job

2.     I can’t work with them

3.     I don’t know

4.     It is not my fault

That’s not my job

This small statement can have significant career repercussions for you. Being hesitant to go above and beyond when requested—although, to be fair, you shouldn’t really need to be—could portray you as uncooperative, slothful, and reckless.

There are other, much better ways to say “no” if you really don’t want to do something.

I can’t work with them

The 10 rules of workplace etiquette that every professional should know require you to consider other people.

Hence, publicly refusing to collaborate with others will only reflect poorly on you, regardless of why you don’t get along with them or don’t particularly like their working style.

Put aside your differences and figure out how to collaborate. This will give you the chance to exhibit your capacity for problem-solving and teamwork, both of which are highly valued attributes in the workplace.

I don’t know

Nobody expects you to know all the solutions. If you did, you presumably wouldn’t be working for someone else.

Having said that, it is essentially career suicide to just shrug when asked a question, especially by your employer. Instead, make your best guess or a commitment to get the information they seek by asking a knowledgeable person or, better yet, Googling it.

It’s not my fault

People lose faith in you when you avoid responsibility and point the finger, which lowers morale.

If you are innocent, then prove it by giving a fair account of what took place without blaming your coworkers! Keep to the facts and let your manager decide who is to blame on their own.


As promised, this article has discussed the 10 rules of workplace etiquette every professional should know, words not to use at a workplace, and the benefits of workplace etiquette.

With this, you can stand out in your workplace, and create a better relationship with your co-workers.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the 3 principles of etiquette?

The three principles of etiquette are respect, consideration, and honesty.

What are 5 tips to be happy at work?

The 5 tips for being happy at work are:

i. Keep Personal Problems Personal
ii. Eat Healthy and Drink Lots of Water
ii. Be Organized
iii. Move Around
iv. Reward Yourself.


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